Lynka - Shop here
At BISC, we do not have a daily uniform. However, we do encourage each child to purchase polo-shirts and hoodies from their House Colour.
These uniforms are sold from an external company, to which you can access using the following link. The uniforms are not available in school, only here.
If your child is part of
🌎 Earth – we wear green
🔥 Fire – we wear red
🌊 Water – we wear blue
🌬️ Air – we wear yellow
At BISC, each child is part of a house. Our four houses are made up of the elements ‘Fire, Earth, Air & Water’. This may seem like just a name, but it gives the children a sense of pride and belonging and they really take their house seriously, working each day to gain points for their teammates.
The house system has many aspects. Our class reward systems use sticker charts, where House Points are gathered each Friday, and the winning house is announced in assembly every week. House competitions are held, such a sports day, where the whole school is split in four, to compete for their House. If you wear your House Colour on Fridays, you get extra points, one point for the colour, two points if it is a BISC branded item 👕